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This is a series of Facebook Lives done in a free group. If you'd like to join us there, please request membership HERE. In these discussion my desire really to hold a few 'MasterChats' on navigating these heightened emotional, political and social times as a spiritual person, especially one who can feel every damn thing. It's been a crazy year around the world and we find ourselves torn in many directions. We're taught to send love and light but what do we do when that doesn't soothe our tender hearts? We are taking the collective consciousness and feeling it like it is our own... so let's create ways for us to deal with that differently.
This is a series of Facebook Lives done in a free group. If you'd like to join us there, please request membership HERE. In these discussion my desire really to hold a few 'MasterChats' on navigating these heightened emotional, political and social times as a spiritual person, especially one who can feel every damn thing. It's been a crazy year around the world and we find ourselves torn in many directions. We're taught to send love and light but what do we do when that doesn't soothe our tender hearts? We are taking the collective consciousness and feeling it like it is our own... so let's create ways for us to deal with that differently.
MasterChat 1: Your Duty
We kicked off this series with some truth bombs around the idea of DUTY and how that one word is crippling the world of spiritual activism. This one might ruffle some feathers but I'll give you a truly intuitive person wants to be told how they are supposed to act. TAKE AWAY ACTION: Observe where you are being ruled by judgement of others and where you are on the receiving end of judgement (by yourself or others) and release it. Watch the video here or download the audio below...
MasterChat 2: Truth Seeking & Knee Jerking
In this chat, we talk about TRUTH SEEKING and KNEE JERKING and being an informed asshole how it's all valuable. Also we'll probably chat about what we've been ignoring and how to get present and informed without hurting your heart every damn day. TAKE AWAY ACTION: Find one topic to truth seek this week, to dive in and find the truth before you speak or act. Watch the video here or download the audio below...
MasterChat 3: Love & Light-Coating
In this chat, we talk about loving your enemy - which in itself is problematic. See if we view it as something against us, we're not ever going to truly love it. That's half the problem
The other half involves spiritual shaming we place on ourselves. We'll add in a bit of a chat about Love and Light-Coating and working on merging together with our shadow in order to heal the world as well. TAKE AWAY ACTION: Observe honestly your emotions that pop up throughout the day and then notice how you respond to them. Are you acknowledging them, ignoring them, sugar coating them, getting curious with them? No right response, just a week of emotional honesty. Watch the video here or download the audio below...
MasterChat 4: Activism vs. Advocacy
Thois chat is about the biggest shift I had to take to understand my role in the world moving forward. We'll talk about why more spiritual people are not jumping into the activist role and understanding why we are naturally born Advocates instead and if we make this one shift, we'll find navigating the social-political climate easier, more graceful and certainly more powerfully.
Watch the video here or download the audio below...