CLASS 4 - POWER... Chakra Three is all about your personal power, and your relationship to power in general both internal and external. Surrendering to our power can bring up a complicated ego loop but standing strong in the release of the stories is critical in the process.
To surrender to our own power and to the power of others, we need to be aware of the dynamics of being powerful in the past or future. Recognize these stories for what they are. Feel them. Acknowledge them. Release the judgement around them.
And then get truly present to see what is true in THIS moment.
Use these journal prompts to spur the remembering.
And then get truly present to see what is true in THIS moment.
Use these journal prompts to spur the remembering.
PAST STORIESWhat is your history with powerful people?
What does being powerful historically mean to you? When were you hurt, scared or repressed by someone with power? When were you uplifted and inspired by someone with power? What were you told about acting properly as a child? What were the repercussions as a child for acting powerful? What were the rewards as a child for acting powerful? Remember a time in your life when you felt completely powerful and it felt good. Remember a time in your life when you felt completely powerful and it felt bad. Remember a time in your life when you felt completely powerless and it felt right or justified. Remember a time in your life when you felt completely powerless and it felt wrong. Remember a time in your life when you truly wanted to be more powerful and you did NOT allow it. Remember a time in your life when you truly wanted to be more powerful and you DID allow it. Remember a time in your life when you thought you were being powerful but you weren't really. Remember a time in your life when you were criticized for being too powerful. Remember a time in your life when others around you were criticized for being too powerful. Remember a time in your life when you were praised for being too powerful. Remember a time in your life when others around you were praised for being too powerful. Were you taught that power is good or bad? What are the stories of good power? What are the stories of bad power? |
FUTURE PROJECTIONSAre leaders inherently good or bad and does becoming a leader mean you will be good or bad too?
Do people with great wealth or influence misuse their power and if you have either will you misuse it as well? If you become powerful, will you lose everyone around you? If you become powerful, will you gain the admiration and love from everyone around you? Imagine you are sitting in the seat of your highest power. What would your life look like in the future? Imagine you never become more powerful than you are right now. What would your life look like in the future? Imagine that everyone else becomes more powerful than you. Imagine that you become more powerful than everyone else. Imagine your death bed reflection. Did you live your most powerful life? What would it look like? Feel into your emotional attachment to that. Imagine your death bed reflection. Did you pass up living your most powerful life? What would it look like? Feel into your emotional attachment to that. |
Get centered and get fully present in this moment. You can use this quick 5 minute meditation below to help you come back to NOW and then ask yourself: WHAT WOULD CONNECT ME TO MY POWER IN THIS MOMENT? and WHAT ONE THING CAN I DO TO ALLOW MYSELF TO FEEL MORE FULLY POWERFUL?