Reading "Quiet" by Susan Cain and it's absolutely fascinating... how our society seeks out, trains and celebrates the extroverted salesman, continually "measuring ourselves against ever higher standards of fearless self presentation".
No wonder the cry of "I need to get out there more" is the one most commonly heard in entrepreneurial circles. We have as a society been trained and brainwashed to think and believe that only extroversion will bring you happiness and success. "We actually have schools for self expression and self development although we seem usually to mean the expression and development of the personality of a successful real estate agent." There are formulas on how to speak better, sell better. look better, dream bigger, meet more people and build a larger income going it all. And yet... the introvert, when they can truly claim their power stands out even more brilliantly like the shock of ice cold water on your skin on a hot day. I'm not dedicated to being the star on the stage or selling myself to everyone I meet. And yet I can still SHINE. I can still succeed quietly with pure intention rather than trying so hard to be as loud as others. You can shine by illuminating the dark recesses of your soul You can shine a light for your clients so they can find their own way You can be a warm fire that people feel at home near You can quietly model the beacon of confidence without bravado or posturing You can embrace the white light of universal transformation and radiate love from within You can be fed by sitting alone while the sun bathes your body You can be fulfilled by having a meaningful conversation with just one person in a crowded room You can shine in ways that are truer to who you are simply by dismissing the idea that your shine has to look like the ideal that has been placed upon us.