"In the world of airy fairy, new age non-sense"... I read this in a post this morning and my heart hurt.
This is why we hide our spiritual sides from the world. This is why we judge ourselves, pretend it's not real. This is why we go up into our heads as the 'valid' way. This is an intuition blocker that in some way has been installed in our consciousness for generations. Being Intuitive is not airy fairy. Listening you your heart's desires is not non-sense. Following your nudges instead of a prescript path is not new agey. And when we glibly negate how powerful this connected side of us really is, a part of our human potential dies a little. You are naturally connected. You have been gifted with a deep sense of knowing. Spirit, God, Source, Universe... it's not some whimsical thing that crazy people in hippy costumes made up. It's a resource that is available to you 24-7 for your entire life. Your ability to use it, tap into it, live it, is in direct proportion to your ability to Actively Surrender in every moment, in every thought, in every action. This is the path of a Warrior, not some weakling with no ability to succeed because they aren't using formulas. And it takes dedication to the path, exactly because of comments like the one above. It's easy to live in your head. It's expected. It's what everyone does. Don't get derailed. This shit is real and it works and it feels amazing, and it feels heart breaking, and it brings joy, pain, love, expansion, contraction. It's called living a life connected to you at the core. And if your here and you're ready to dive in deeper and get out of your freaking head and build success in a powerful connected beautiful way, let me know... There are 2 spots left in UnTraining waiting for the right souls. http://www.stacynelsonunlimited.com/untraining.html
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