"Any time I meet a coach who doesn't have a full practice I ask if they have ever invested money in their own coach. Many (too many) coaches have not.
No wonder they struggle to create a thriving practice - they don't believe in investing in their own coach but they want their potential clients to invest in one." -From The Prosperous Coach, chapter 63 It's one thing to watch and study. It's entirely different to experience. I've experienced the shelf-help classes that you listen to once and go 'wow' and then put it away only to move onto the next. I've experienced the conferences where you walk away with a cotton candy high but very to sustain me. I've experienced VIP days and retreats and weekend long workshops that knocked my socks off. I've experienced being sold to. I've experienced deep coaching that rocked me to my core. I've experienced 'meh' coaching. I've experienced and hired spiritual coaches, business coaches, general life coaches. I've been on the receiving end of just about every business model in the coaching industry. It is through these experiences that I've built my practice and become the coach that I am. Many of these have become models for how I refuse to play. And some are models of my greatest good. I have never needed a coach (although I have had coaches who made me feel like I did. I fired them). But I CHOOSE to hire the most powerful coaches I can because I know that my life's work is to be continually up-leveling ME. I can do it on my own, and I can do it more effectively with a coach. My first coach cost me $700 for 6 months. At the time I thought it was an outrageous amount of money to invest in someone who was simply there to help me be happier. But there was a calling in my soul, that this was my next level. This was 7+ years ago and it was from her that I first felt the siren's song for coaching… that $700 was life changing for me in that one simple insight. I've hired myself a coach ever since. It's a non-negotiable for me. When I made that first payment to my current coach Rich, I had a complete panic attack, on the floor crying, wondering how I could spend that much money on something I didn't need. AND I was willing to do what it took to create the funds to make that happen because I KNEW I wanted someone in my corner who would challenge me, who would see me as the magnificent being I am and wouldn't let me forget it, who would hold a space for my higher success. I am in conversation all of the time with coaches who tell me they can't afford coaching. Perhaps that's true for them… but I couldn't afford ANY of my coaches and I still hired them, each time gaining valuable insights that helped piece together my successes. My fellow Ambassadors are some of the most BadAss people I know and guess what? They all have coaches. That's not why they are BadAss - AND I'm sure they'll tell you that it's why they've allowed themselves to show up that way. If you're a coach, be coached. Experience what it's like to cry and laugh and grow while being held by someone powerful. Do what it takes.
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