CLASS 3 - Co-CREATOR... You know the expression 'plays well with others'? This is what your Co-Creator does best. There is never ever a project that doesn't involve others in some capacity, either as partners, assistants, cheerleaders, clients and yes, source itself. So tap into your Co-Creator to make sure your relationships are working in your highest interests.
Every community, every partnership, every relationship, every client...the CoCreator comes in and finds the optimal, most mutually beneficial way to coexist. Our Inner CoCreator shows up as the one who works well with others, creating amicable agreements and creating things in the world hand in hand with Spirit or with partners. No separation. No strife. No judgment. We create something that works in the highest and best interest of all people.
Consider a few different takes on the following questions. Working with others can mean:
Can you find evidence of your Co-Creator's voice?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your CoCreator, Ask them these simple questions and wait for the answer...
Every community, every partnership, every relationship, every client...the CoCreator comes in and finds the optimal, most mutually beneficial way to coexist. Our Inner CoCreator shows up as the one who works well with others, creating amicable agreements and creating things in the world hand in hand with Spirit or with partners. No separation. No strife. No judgment. We create something that works in the highest and best interest of all people.
Consider a few different takes on the following questions. Working with others can mean:
- business partner
- friend
- coach / mentor
- assistant
- client
- willing test dummy
- raving fans
- community
Can you find evidence of your Co-Creator's voice?
- Write about the last time you partnered with someone else successfully
- Write about the last time you partnered with someone else unsuccessfully
- Write about how good you think you are with people
- Do you generally like people?
- What does it take to trust others?
- Write about something you really want help with and describe the perfect person to help you with it and why
- Write about something you really want don't help with and why you need to do it alone. Is it true?
- Who is this work meant for? Who are you Co-Creating this with / for?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
- Notice - as you live through those stories, what is the voice who is responding. Notice how it sounds, feels. Imagine what she/he looks like. Assign it an avatar. Feel what that CoCreator energy feels like in all it's different forms. I always imagine a Gaia like energy, that brings together everyone on the planet, loving and partnered.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your CoCreator, Ask them these simple questions and wait for the answer...
- Who do you need support from?
- What doubts do you have about your support system that will distract me from creating this?
- What support do you need to start this?
- Which other Council members do you need help from next?