CLASS 2 - CREATOR... Start something awesome by tapping into your own inner creator. This is the council member who is responsible for everything you begin, for the real world application of all those insights and downloads you receive. When we step into conversation with our Creator we can figure out why we aren't starting something that feels so right to do and we can see the next indicated step.
You know the Big Bang Theory...where practically everything was created from nothing? Our Inner Creator lives it, breathes it, probably caused it. Fearlessly rushing forward into the unknown and having fun starting new things. The Creator isn’t about drawing pretty pictures or just about creativity or art (although that does feed it); it’s the piece of us that is capable of starting businesses from nothing but an idea, or writing a book from a concept that appears one day in the shower, rocking you to the core.
Can you find evidence of your creator's voice?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your Creator, Ask her / him these simple questions and wait for the answer...
You know the Big Bang Theory...where practically everything was created from nothing? Our Inner Creator lives it, breathes it, probably caused it. Fearlessly rushing forward into the unknown and having fun starting new things. The Creator isn’t about drawing pretty pictures or just about creativity or art (although that does feed it); it’s the piece of us that is capable of starting businesses from nothing but an idea, or writing a book from a concept that appears one day in the shower, rocking you to the core.
Can you find evidence of your creator's voice?
- Write about the last time you started a project.
- Write about the last time you DIDN'T star a project.
- Write about how creative you think you are
- Write about a time you created something really awesome (and by created I mean a new program, a business, a book, a non-profit organization, a manifesto, a painting, a trip around the world. )
- Write about a time you created something that failed completely (like any of the above... or any Pinterest fail. Send me a picture of that because those are freaking funny)
- Write about something you really want to create and know it's going to happen. Why?
- Write about something you really want to create but know it just won't happen. Why not?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
- Notice - as you live through those stories, what is the voice who is responding. Notice how it sounds, feels. Imagine what she/he looks like. Assign it an avatar. Feel what that Creator / Starter energy feels like. I always imagine a riot of color and floaty fabric that looks a lot like flames.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your Creator, Ask her / him these simple questions and wait for the answer...
- How would it feel to start or create this?
- What doubts do you have that will distract me from creating this?
- What do you need to start this?
- Which other Council members do you need help from next?