CLASS 4 - ENROLLER... Did you know that you are constantly enrolling people into your story? What if you did that consciously and got people on board with what you're actively creating? Your message, your passion, your intent is all projected out into the world by your Enthusiast / Enroller. Get others (and yourself) engaged.
Enroller / Catalyst
The Enroller / Catalyst is committed to passion and lighting it up so that we are fully INTO the cause. Because the more fully invested we are in the cause, the more readily we can throw others into battle mode, gripped with a fever so powerful and meaningful that they can no longer hold back. In other words, this council member is your ENROLLER that inspires OTHERS into action, the catalyst material that ignites movement.
Consider a few different takes on the following questions. Think of ways you enroll or catalyze others and who you enroll for example:
Can you find evidence of your Enroller's voice?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your Creator, Ask her / him these simple questions and wait for the answer...
The Enroller / Catalyst is committed to passion and lighting it up so that we are fully INTO the cause. Because the more fully invested we are in the cause, the more readily we can throw others into battle mode, gripped with a fever so powerful and meaningful that they can no longer hold back. In other words, this council member is your ENROLLER that inspires OTHERS into action, the catalyst material that ignites movement.
Consider a few different takes on the following questions. Think of ways you enroll or catalyze others and who you enroll for example:
- Your children / partner / family / friends
- Your clients
- Your co-workers
- The vendor at the market
- Co-conspirators in a cause or project
- Mentors
Can you find evidence of your Enroller's voice?
- Write about the last time you enrolled someone else successfully
- Write about the last time you enrolled someone else successfully unsuccessfully
- Write about how good you think you are at sales
- How passionate about something are you 'allowed' to be?
- How open can you be with others about what you want?
- Write about something you really want people to be engaged in with you
- Write about what it would feel like to have people really engaged in what you're creating
- What if they do enroll/engage? What if they don't enroll/engage?
Write down all of your impressions and start giving this voice form.
- Notice - as you live through those stories, what is the voice who is responding. Notice how it sounds, feels. Imagine what she/he looks like. Assign it an avatar. Feel what that Creator / Starter energy feels like. I always imagine a riot of color and floaty fabric that looks a lot like flames.
We'll go into this deeper in the last lesson but think of ONE THING you want to create and keep these questions in mind when you sit with your Creator, Ask her / him these simple questions and wait for the answer...
- What do I need to feel passionate about creating this?
- Who do I need to be to get others excited about this?
- What doubts do you have that will distract me from creating this?
- Which other Council members do you need help from next?