CLASS 11 - WORKING WITH YOUR COUNCIL... Having Council Meetings is a powerful way to get clarity on anything you are creating and will immediately show you what you need to work on next. Where you are feeling blocked or unsure will become apparent as will the simple solution to how to get past that. One of the issues we as intuitive people find is that we get overwhelmed by the big picture so breaking it down in a Council meeting is a great way to find some fears that can be instantly transformed and to turn the big picture into easily digestible steps.
You know the Big Bang Theory...where practically everything was created from nothing? Our Inner Creator lives it, breathes it, probably caused it. Fearlessly rushing forward into the unknown and having fun starting new things. The Creator isn’t about drawing pretty pictures or just about cre- ativity or art (although that does feed it); it’s the piece of us that is capable of starting businesses from nothing but an idea, or writing a book from a concept that appears one day in the shower, rocking you to the core.
Every community, every partnership, every relationship, every client...the CoCreator comes in and nds the optimal, most mutually bene cial way to coexist. Our Inner CoCreator shows up as the one who works well with others, creating amicable agreements and creating things in the world hand in hand with Spirit or with partners. No separation. No strife. No judgment. We create something that works in the highest and best interest of all people.
The Catalyst is committed to passion and lighting it up so that we are fully INTO the cause. Because the more fully invested we are in the cause, the more readily we can throw others into battle mode, gripped with a fever so powerful and meaningful that they can no longer hold back. And, the Catalyst inspires action . In fact, the Catalyst makes such an impassioned case that NOT acting becomes impossible.
The Leader takes care of things for us, project-manages and allocates our inner resources. Life is a process, always changing, always moving, and the Leader keeps things owing both in a big-picture way and in a detail-oriented way as well: Here is the big picture, and here is the inspired action we’ll be taking today; here is where our passion lies, and here is the path we’ll be taking.
5—Change Agent
Never stagnating, never settling, and never accepting that there is just one way of doing things, the Change Agent seeks ways to shake up the status quo. Rules were meant to be bent, broken and recreated. Desert was meant to be the starting course. It isn’t enough for the Change Agent to simply make change. We need to BE the change. It’s not enough to WANT the change. The Change Agent needs to step in and step up to be that change day in and day out.
Leading from your heart, living life with the connected emotions of love, passion, kindness, understanding—even friendship—is where our Inner Lover stands out. Love is a two-way street. The Lover knows how to give unconditionally; the Beloved knows how to truly love oneself and to receive unconditionally.
Inner Seeker & Knower—its essence is basically the part of us that deeply understands that there are no shortcuts to mastery, only the path and our willingness to walk on it each day. The Seeker wants to know the questions and the answers and is intent upon reaching higher levels of knowing in all things. It’s the part of us who figures out “how”.
When we’re really grounded, feeling healthy and vibrant and fully present in the current moment, we know our Manifestor is shining and ready to roll. We experience deep love and connection with ourselves. The unlimited potentiality of abundance and prosperity becomes our new reality. Physical gratification. Abundance. SPACE, Luxury and human experiences. Calling in the vision of greatness. Calling in the magic, and then responding to the nudges. Being present to take action and move forward.
This aspect is the yummy, juicy, completely spiritual woowoo side of who we are. It’s the part of us who meditates, who is in constant communication with our highest self, and who is, in fact, the voice of our highest self as it merges with source. This is the part that believes without a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing wrong with us.
You know the Big Bang Theory...where practically everything was created from nothing? Our Inner Creator lives it, breathes it, probably caused it. Fearlessly rushing forward into the unknown and having fun starting new things. The Creator isn’t about drawing pretty pictures or just about cre- ativity or art (although that does feed it); it’s the piece of us that is capable of starting businesses from nothing but an idea, or writing a book from a concept that appears one day in the shower, rocking you to the core.
Every community, every partnership, every relationship, every client...the CoCreator comes in and nds the optimal, most mutually bene cial way to coexist. Our Inner CoCreator shows up as the one who works well with others, creating amicable agreements and creating things in the world hand in hand with Spirit or with partners. No separation. No strife. No judgment. We create something that works in the highest and best interest of all people.
The Catalyst is committed to passion and lighting it up so that we are fully INTO the cause. Because the more fully invested we are in the cause, the more readily we can throw others into battle mode, gripped with a fever so powerful and meaningful that they can no longer hold back. And, the Catalyst inspires action . In fact, the Catalyst makes such an impassioned case that NOT acting becomes impossible.
The Leader takes care of things for us, project-manages and allocates our inner resources. Life is a process, always changing, always moving, and the Leader keeps things owing both in a big-picture way and in a detail-oriented way as well: Here is the big picture, and here is the inspired action we’ll be taking today; here is where our passion lies, and here is the path we’ll be taking.
5—Change Agent
Never stagnating, never settling, and never accepting that there is just one way of doing things, the Change Agent seeks ways to shake up the status quo. Rules were meant to be bent, broken and recreated. Desert was meant to be the starting course. It isn’t enough for the Change Agent to simply make change. We need to BE the change. It’s not enough to WANT the change. The Change Agent needs to step in and step up to be that change day in and day out.
Leading from your heart, living life with the connected emotions of love, passion, kindness, understanding—even friendship—is where our Inner Lover stands out. Love is a two-way street. The Lover knows how to give unconditionally; the Beloved knows how to truly love oneself and to receive unconditionally.
Inner Seeker & Knower—its essence is basically the part of us that deeply understands that there are no shortcuts to mastery, only the path and our willingness to walk on it each day. The Seeker wants to know the questions and the answers and is intent upon reaching higher levels of knowing in all things. It’s the part of us who figures out “how”.
When we’re really grounded, feeling healthy and vibrant and fully present in the current moment, we know our Manifestor is shining and ready to roll. We experience deep love and connection with ourselves. The unlimited potentiality of abundance and prosperity becomes our new reality. Physical gratification. Abundance. SPACE, Luxury and human experiences. Calling in the vision of greatness. Calling in the magic, and then responding to the nudges. Being present to take action and move forward.
This aspect is the yummy, juicy, completely spiritual woowoo side of who we are. It’s the part of us who meditates, who is in constant communication with our highest self, and who is, in fact, the voice of our highest self as it merges with source. This is the part that believes without a shadow of a doubt that there is nothing wrong with us.
CONVERSATION STARTERS: Exercises to start talking with your Inner Council
- Allow yourself a moment to wallow in your desires because no journey can begin without them. Unless the conversation with your Inner Council is "what do I want?” (which is a great conversation, by the way) the most profound place to start is to be clear about what you want to create. I use this exercise all of the time with my clients. This is a place to dream, to let loose those desires you never speak of, to imagine it all. No wish is too small or too large. Usually there are 2 things that make my list every time I create it — a cupcake & world peace.
- Give yourself 15 minutes or so to list 50 things you want. Try to get specific.
- Don’t edit.
- Don’t judge.
- Don’t stop until you reach 50. If you run out of things before 50, still don’t stop. Keep going. Some of my most amazeballs dreams came out 6 numbers past where I wanted to quit.
- NOW, pick one to play with here...
Make it even more specific, give it the details that allow you to see it, feel it, hear it, touch it. Play until it feels like a real thing you can create.
- Settle in to ask some questions of each of your Advisors specifically about the one thing you picked in step one. They have information that will come out as you talk. Sometimes you don’t need to talk with everyone. Sometimes everyone’s input is nice. I like going through the whole panel just in case there is something there that I’m avoiding. Pay attention to the themes popping up in the replies. Use the diagram above and start with your Creator and make your way around the circle. Focus on your desire and focus on the energy of each member individually. Each voice has value in and of itself.
- AND make up your own questions. Get curious. If the answer doesn’t make sense, ask again. If the question doesn’t feel right, ask a different one. This is a sounding board, a place to start. Get creative here and have an actual dialogue. See what comes up.
- Have fun diving in.
- Now take a moment and really feel into the information you just gleaned from your conversations.
- What stands out for you? A couple of needs will jump out as the places to start. A couple of blocks will jump out as just stories of no significance, easy to get past, solve or laugh at.
- When everything is out on the table it becomes pretty apparent where to start or what needs more love, time and understanding.